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Gov. Jobs 2024
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Why Should I Consider a Government Job?
In India, a Sarkari Naukri (or an Indian government job) is highly sought-after. It’s the ultimate career goal, offering long-term security, good benefits, and friendly co-workers.
More than that, an Indian government job offers an opportunity to live a life of purpose.
It’s a way for you to give back to your community.
According to the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd. (CMIE), the unemployment rate in India increased from 6.5% in November 2020 to 7.75% in October 2021. In this fluctuating market, there has been an increase in the demand for the stability and permanence offered by a Sarkari Naukri.
In addition, government jobs in India can be pretty lucrative offering competitive salaries, benefits, and pensions. Some of the highest-paid jobs in the Indian government include the Indian Administrative Services (IAS), Indian Foreign Services (IFS), and Indian Police Services (IPS).
Keep in mind that these jobs are also highly competitive with a complex application process!
What Kind of Government Jobs Can I Get?
There are a wide variety of government jobs in India. It depends on your interests, but a job in the Indian government can range from policy-making, public administration, military, law, engineering, and even teaching. Some of the more highly-paid and in-demand positions are discussed below to give you a sense of their requirements and salary expectations.
1. Indian Administrative Services (IAS) and Indian Foreign Services (IFS) Jobs : The role of an IAS officer may include advising the ministers on various policy issues, implementing policies of the government, collecting revenue, and supervising public spending. An IFS officer manages foreign relations in India with more than 160 Indian Diplomatic Missions and International Organizations around the world. The starting monthly salary of an IAS or IFS officer is about INR 56,100.
2. Indian Police Services (IPS) Jobs : A role with the IPS involves safeguarding the public, maintaining law and order, and detecting and preventing crime. The role can be with the various agencies and branches including the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW), Intelligence Bureau (IB), Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), and Criminal Investigation Department (CID). To be eligible for a job with IPS, there are additional requirements, including physical standards. Physical eligibility includes minimum height for men and women, minimum chest girth for men and women, restriction on vision impairments including myopia limited to less than -4.00, and hyper myopia not exceeding +4.00. According to Payscale, an entry-level police constable with less than 1-year experience can earn an average total compensation of INR 255,094. This includes tips, bonuses, and overtime pay.
3. Banking Jobs :The banking sector is one of the fastest-growing sectors in India. It’s not surprising that jobs in government-approved banks such as the State Bank of India (SBI), Allahabad Bank, HDFC, and ICICI are highly sought after. A job in the banking sector could either be a clerical position such as typists, data entry operators, cashiers, or clerks or a probationary officer (PO) role. As a PO, the candidate will be under probation during the training period and will be hired following the probation based on performance. During the training period, the candidate will be trained in accounting, finance, billing, investment, and revenue collection. A PO role allows opportunities for career growth to middle and senior management based on performance and additional examinations. The starting monthly salary of a PO is about INR 57,000 including allowances.
4. Defence Jobs : Jobs with the National Defence Academy (NDA) can be in various departments, such as Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, etc. A job in the NDA comes with strict restrictions on age, physical, and vision standards. Cadet trainees receive a stipend of INR 56,100 per month. Allowances and promotions will increase this salary. There are also several agricultural, engineering, and research jobs with their own set of rules and requirements. These can get very complicated, but Result Find does all the work for you and lists the various jobs ranging from a Rajasthani police constable to Allahabad High Court Review Officer. Each job posting contains all the details you would need to be able to apply for the position with ease.
Sarkari Results for State Level Exams
State Governments conduct various exams, and the Result Find Info for all these exams can be found online. v in Bihar for all government job exams conducted by the state of Bihar. Similarly, Sarkari info for the Result Findin Jharkhand can be searched online for all the exams conducted for the state of Jharkhand. UP Result Find is one of the most common online searches in India, considering the high demand for Government jobs in the state of U.P.
Sarkari Result - www sarkari result is a one-stop destination for all Sarkari Result queries on Result Find. It has a list of all the Government exams, Sarkari Result which can be seen as links. If one clicks on these exam names or links, the Sarkari Result website provides exhaustive information on that specific exam. This includes the timeline when the exam is conducted, admit card information, the number of seats offered, application forms, Sarkari result dates etc.
Sarkari Result - Online Application Process
It is now easy to apply for any Government job online. Some of the posts even allow the submission of scanned copies of identification documents. The internet has made it very easy to apply for these jobs, which was once considered to be a cumbersome task. Sarkari result online form can be found on After applying for the exam, one has to appear for the exam and wait for the Sarkari exam result. Some of the exams have multiple stages, and hence, one has to be prepared for all the levels.
Be it Sarkari result news or Sarkari Naukri result, all of the information is at the fingertips for most applicants. It is even possible just to use the smartphone to make an application and live the dream of getting into a Government job.
What Can Sarkari Result Do to Help Me?
Applying for an Indian government job can be done online now. Documents may be scanned and submitted online. Unfortunately, an online application does not make the process any less stressful or cumbersome.
Applying to a government can be quite overwhelming with several deadlines and exam requirements. Rather than weeding through numerous websites, Result Find lists all the government jobs. One-page summaries of the requirements provide all the important information in an easy-to-read format.
Having the information at your fingertips can cause some of the stress of an already complicated and stressful process. Result Find App can bring all of that information at the tap of your finger on your smartphone. Download it
Why trust for Sarkari Result?
You also know the name of Result Find, this is not only a website but it is the trust of millions of unemployed youth / studying youth. Result Find, was established on 01 Jan 2021 and since then this Result Find website is a trust and trust in which crores of youth are looking for government job/exam result/admit card/exam date information. Result Find is the first and most accurate information reaches the youth, for which the entire team of Result Find works 24×7.
Whenever a new exam result comes, exam admit card comes or any new government job, whether SSC / UPSC / state government or any other recruitment comes by the central government, first of all the youth open the Result Find website and View information.